How to create a table that can query multiple remote clusters
How do I create a table that can query other clusters or instances?
Below is a simple example to test functionality.
In this example, ClickHouse Cloud is use but the example will work when using self-hosted clusters also. The targets will need to change to the urls/hosts/dns of a target node or load balancer.
In cluster A:
Create the database:
Create the table:
Insert some sample rows:
In cluster B:
Create the database:
Create the table:
Insert sample rows:
In Cluster C:
*this cluster will be used to gather the data from the other two clusters, however, can also be used as a source.
Create the database:
Create the remote tables with remoteSecure() to connect to the other clusters.
Definition for remote cluster A table:
Definition for remote cluster B table:
Create the merge table to be used to gather results:
Test the results:
For more info: